Future needs Origin

The SUDHAUS GmbH is an owner-operated traditional company, which was founded in 1844 in Iserlohn. In 1860 the company had over 100 employees, which produced predominantly locks and fittings. However, chains, harnesses and even garters have been produced until the 1950s .


SUDHAUS - a leading, medium-sized company in the development, production and sales of: locks and locking systems, assemblies, components for the automotive industry.
Today SUDHAUS employs 190 people at its headquarter in Iserlohn.
Competency, innovation and compelling quality in development, engineering and design make SUDHAUS a reliable partner for the luggage and furniture industries. For complex assemblies or special requirements baggage we always have appropriate ideas, suggestions and solutions. Useful everyday innovations, such as the dust bin lock, are also from SUDHAUS.
One of your best inventions is the gravity lock, the so called dust-bin lock.
Our tradition and our innovative spirit drive us to top performance for the benefit of our customers.


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